September 8, 2024

‘Only God Can Thank You’: Female Health Workers Fight to Be Paid

Community health workers put in long hours to protect people in developing countries from diseases such as malaria, Covid-19 and H.I.V. But most are compensated minimally, or not paid at all.Community health workers put in long hours to protect people in developing countries from diseases such as malaria, Covid-19 and H.I.V. But most are compensated minimally, or not paid at all.Read MoreWages and Salaries, Medicine and Health, Politics and Government, Women and Girls, Strikes, Developing Countries, Labor and Jobs, Organized Labor, Volunteers and Community Service, Gates, Bill and Melinda, Foundation, General Assembly (UN), Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, United Nations, your-feed-healthcareNYT > Health

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